Enhancing Customer Data Quality with numverify’s Phone Number Validation Tool

by | Aug 23, 2024

Customer data is like a gold mine for businesses. For example, companies collect customers’ contact information to personalize customer experiences, improve customer support services, send promotional offers, and enhance their marketing campaigns. This, in turn, helps companies build stronger relationships with customers and improve retention rates. However, customers can sometimes provide wrong numbers mistakenly. Moreover, scammers often use fake numbers for fraudulent activities, such as creating fraudulent accounts. The auto-fill feature in browsers also fills in outdated or incorrect information sometimes, resulting in incorrect phone numbers. Thus, ensuring customer data quality is crucial. This is where a reliable phone number validation tool is helpful.

Numverify is a powerful and highly accurate phone validator and lookup API service. It helps ensure that phone numbers collected from customers are accurate, valid, and up-to-date. Thus, numverify plays a crucial role in enhancing customer data quality.

In this article, we’ll discuss:

  • How numverify phone number validation tool can enhance customer data quality
  • The benefits, setup process, and practical applications of the numverify

Features of Numverify

Numverify phone number validation tool to validate phone numbers

Prominent features of the numverify API include:

  • Numverify provides instant validation of phone numbers, checking their format, type, carrier, and location.
  • The REST API supports 232 countries and diverse types of phone numbers, such as mobile phones, business numbers, landline numbers, and more. Thus, the API can validate almost any number from any country. 
  • Numverify also provides country code, location, and country where the requested phone number is registered.
  • The API also provides carrier details, which include the carrier the requested phone number is registered with. This way, businesses can detect carriers associated with higher fraud instances.
  • With numverify, you can verify both the local and international phone number formats. The phone validator tool has an advanced format validation system that is backed by regularly updated international phone numbering plans.
  • The phone verification tool also supports phone line-type detection. 
  • The numverify API provides detailed documentation. The documentation contains all the information regarding the API endpoints, parameters, and usage.
  • Numverify is a free phone validation tool. It offers a free plan and multiple reasonable pricing plans offering premium features.

Benefits and Applications of a Phone Number Validation Tool

Benefits of a Phone Number Validation Tool like numverify

Improved Data Accuracy

Phone validation tools are crucial for ensuring the accuracy of customer contact information. These tools can check the validity of a number at the point of entry. This prevents typos and formatting errors, ensuring there aren’t any invalid phone numbers in your database.

These tools can also format phone numbers into a standardized, consistent format. This ensures uniformity.

Moreover, validating phone numbers reduces the bounce rate of messages or failed calls. This ensures that marketing messages, alerts, and notifications are successfully delivered to the right customers.

Enhanced Customer Communication and Experience

Using a phone number validator allows businesses to ensure that phone numbers are valid and active. This increases the chances of successful direct communication with customers. This is especially crucial for time-sensitive communications, such as delivery notifications, order confirmations, and customer support.

Moreover, tools like numverify also show the type of phone number, such as mobile, landline, or VoIP. This allows businesses to communicate more effectively with customers. For example, many VoIP and landline numbers do not accept SMS messages. Thus, businesses can prevent undelivered messages by detecting phone number types.

Geolocation data from phone number verification can also help businesses provide personalized experiences to users. For example, they can send region-specific offers and updates.

Operational Efficiency

Integrating a phone number validation tool into your system automates the verification process. This reduces manual work and saves time. Automation also ensures higher customer data accuracy, leading to more efficient and reliable operations.

Moreover, by preventing invalid numbers from entering the database, businesses save on costs associated with failed communication and wasted marketing efforts.

Fraud Prevention

Verifying phone numbers helps identify potentially fraudulent or inactive numbers. This reduces the risk of fraudsters using fake or disposable phone numbers.

Valid phone numbers can also be used for multi-factor authentication (MFA). This adds an extra layer of security for verifying user identity.

Moreover, businesses can use carrier detection to flag suspicious carriers associated with higher fraud instances.

A phone number validator tool can also help with user identity confirmation. For example, businesses can check if the location data provided by the phone validation tool matches the location information given by the customer. If they don’t match, they can flag the number and investigate it further.

Setting Up numverify’s Phone Number Validation Tool

Registering and Obtaining an API Key

  • Go to numverify’s official page.
  • Click “Sign Up for Free’ in the top right corner.
  • Choose your desired subscription plan and fill out the signup form.numverify phone validator signup form
  • Once you’ve created your account, you can find your unique API key in your numverify dashboard.

Choosing the Right Plan

Numverify offers multiple subscription plans, including a free verify phone numbers plan. Here is a brief overview of the different pricing plans available:

numverify phone number validation tool pricing plans

  • Free: 100 monthly API requests, real-time number validation, carrier and line type detection, and location detection
  • Basic: 5000 monthly calls, standard support, 256-bit HTTPS, and all other features included in the free plan
  • Professional Plan: 50,000 API requests + all the features included in the basic plan
  • Business Plan: 250,000 monthly calls + all the features included in the professional plan
  • Volume: Customizable according to business needs; any requests volume you need

Technical Requirements

  • Familiarity with making HTTP requests is required.
  • Knowledge of a programming language that the numverify API supports. The API supports various programming languages. These include JavaScript, Node.js, Python, PHP, Java, Ruby, and more.

Integration Process

Basic API Request

Number validation

Here is an example API request for validating a phone number:
    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
    & number = 14158586273

If you’re using JavaScript (Node.js), you need to use Axios or any other HTTP client to make API requests. For Python, you can use the requests library to make API calls.

National (local) numbers

Numverify also allows you to specify a phone number in its national (local) format. You need to add additional country information/2-digit country code:
    ? access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
    & number = 4158586273
    & country_code = US

Code Snippets and Examples

JavaScript Fetch

const url = '{PASTE_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE}&number=14158586273';
   const options = {
      method: 'GET'

   try {
      const response = await fetch(url, options);
      const result = await response.text();
   } catch (error) {

JavaScript Axios

import axios from 'axios';

   const options = {
   method: 'GET',
   params: {
      number: "14158586273",

   try {
      const response = await axios.request(options);
   } catch (error) {

Python Requests

import requests


   querystring = {"number":"14158586273"}

   response = requests.get(url, params=querystring)


Parsing and Utilizing Data

Example JSON response

Hers is an example JSON response provided by numverify for phone number validation:

  "valid": true,
  "number": "14158586273",
  "local_format": "4158586273",
  "international_format": "+14158586273",
  "country_prefix": "+1",
  "country_code": "US",
  "country_name": "United States of America",
  "location": "Novato",
  "carrier": "AT&T Mobility LLC",
  "line_type": "mobile"

Parsing JSON response and extracting data (Python)

Below is an example code for parsing JSON response provided by numverify to extract the required information:

import requests

api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
phone_number = '14158586273'

url = f"{api_key}&number={phone_number}"
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()

carrier = data['carrier']
location = data['location']
line_type = data['line_type']

print(f"Carrier: {carrier}")
print(f"Location: {location}")
print(f"Line Type: {line_type}")

Parsing JSON response and extracting data (JavaScript/Node.js)

const axios = require('axios');
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
const phoneNumber = '14158586273';

  .then(response => {
    const data =;
    const carrier = data.carrier;
    const location = data.location;
    const lineType = data.line_type;

    console.log(`Carrier: ${carrier}`);
    console.log(`Location: ${location}`);
    console.log(`Line Type: ${lineType}`);
  .catch(error => {

Best Practices

  • Ensure customer data is secure by using mechanisms like HTTPS encryption.
  • Comply with regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • Use environment variables to store your API key securely.
  • Collect only the data necessary for phone number validation and avoid collecting additional personal information.
  • Inform users about how their phone numbers will be used.
  • Inform customers immediately if they are entering an incorrect or invalid phone number. This allows users to correct any errors on the spot.
  • Display clear error messages to inform users why their phone number is invalid and how they can correct it.
  • Automatically remove invalid numbers from your database to maintain data quality.
  • Be aware of the API rate limits to avoid exceeding them.
  • Use load balancing to distribute API requests evenly across multiple servers.


Accurate customer phone number data helps businesses enhance customer experience and communication, prevent fraud, and improve operational efficiency. By using a reliable phone number validation tool like numverify businesses can accurately validate and verify phone numbers to enhance customer data quality. This way, they can ensure they have only genuine phone numbers in their databases. Numverify also supports carrier detection, phone line type detection, and location detection. This information is also helpful in preventing fraud and enhancing customer experience.

In this guide, we’ve provided step-by-step instructions for setting up and integrating numverify API.

Sign up for numverify phone validator API today and enhance customer data quality!


What tool can I use to validate a phone number?

Numverify is a reliable phone number validation tool/API that accurately validates phone numbers. The API checks the format, type, carrier, and location of given phone numbers.

What kind of data does numverify’s phone number validation tool provide?

numverify provides information on the validity, carrier, location, and line type of phone numbers.

Is numverify free to use?

Yes, numverify offers a free plan with basic features. It also has premium plans for more advanced needs.

How secure is the data provided by numverify?

numverify uses HTTPS for secure data transmission, ensuring the protection of your data.

How to check if a mobile number is valid or not?

You can use a phone validation tool like numverify to confirm if a mobile number is valid and genuine.

Sign up free - Numverify phone number verification API