Integrating Cell Phone Carrier Lookup into Your CRM System

by | Jun 18, 2024

Have you ever wondered how accurate customer data can transform your business? Having accurate data and good communication is key. Integrating cell phone carrier lookup service into your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can make a big difference. This blog explains why Integrating Cell Phone Carrier Lookup is important. Moreover, you will also learn how it can benefit your business.

CRM systems help businesses manage and analyze customer interactions and data. Integrating Cell Phone Carrier Lookup is essential for improving customer relationships. It also helps keep customers happy and boost sales. Accurate phone number verification and complete customer data are essential for effective CRM systems. It allows businesses to communicate better and provide efficient customer service.

Cell phone carrier lookup is a service that tells you which carrier a phone number belongs to. This information helps optimize communication, prevent fraud, and ensure data accuracy. This article aims to guide you on integrating cell phone carrier lookup into your CRM system using the Numverify API. Let’s begin.

Integrating Cell Phone Carrier Lookup into Your CRM System for phone carrier lookup tool to detect invalid phone numbers

What are the Benefits of Integrating Carrier Lookup with CRM?

Integrating carrier lookup with your CRM system offers several key benefits that can enhance your business operations.

Enhanced Customer Data Accuracy

Carrier lookup helps keep customer information accurate and current. It checks the carrier for each phone number. Hence reducing errors and improving the reliability of your data.

Improved Communication Strategies

Knowing the carrier can improve how you communicate with customers. For example, SMS marketing can be tailored based on carrier rules and preferences. Customer support can also be more efficient by understanding the carrier’s features, ensuring messages are delivered properly.

Fraud Prevention

Carrier lookup helps prevent fraud by verifying carrier information. This can reveal discrepancies that might indicate fraudulent activities, protecting both your business and customers.

Cost Optimization

Carrier information can help save money on messaging and call services. By knowing the carrier, you can choose the most cost-effective communication channels and plans, leading to significant savings, especially if your business relies heavily on SMS and calls.

steps to create a free carrier lookup tool for detection of a valid phone number and an invalid phone number line type

What is the Step-by-Step Integration Process?

Before starting the integration, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

👉Sign up for a Numverify account to obtain your API key.

👉Identify your CRM system (e.g., Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho CRM) and ensure you have administrative access.

👉Familiarity with API concepts and some programming experience will be beneficial.

👉Set up your development environment with necessary tools like a code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code), API testing tools (e.g., Postman), and a version control system (e.g., Git).

Setting Up Numverify API

  1. Navigate to the Numverify website and sign up for an account.
  2. Select a plan that suits your needs. Numverify offers various plans, including a free tier with limited requests.
  3. You will receive an API key once you have signed up and chosen a plan. This key is essential for making requests to the Numverify API.

Documentation and API Reference

  1. Familiarize yourself with the Numverify API documentation. It provides detailed information on how to make API calls, including endpoints, parameters, and response formats.
  2. Ensure your API key is stored securely and not exposed in your code repositories.

Integrating with Salesforce

Step 1: Create a Salesforce Developer Account

Go to Salesforce Developer and sign up for a developer account to get access to a sandbox environment.

Step 2: Set Up Salesforce

  1. Go to Setup -> Objects and Fields -> Object Manager.
  2. Create a new custom object or modify an existing one to store the carrier information.

Step 3: Create an Apex Class

Use Salesforce’s Apex programming language to create a custom Apex class that makes HTTP callouts to the Numverify API.

public class CarrierLookupService {

    public String lookupCarrier(String phoneNumber) {

        String endpoint = '' + phoneNumber;

        Http http = new Http();

        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();



        HttpResponse response = http.send(request);

        if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) {

            Map<String, Object> results = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());

            return (String) results.get('carrier');

        } else {

            return 'Error';




Step 4: Automation

Use Salesforce workflows or process builder to automate the carrier lookup when a new phone number is added or updated.

Integrating with HubSpot

Get your Numverify API key, as explained in the earlier steps.

  1. Navigate to HubSpot.
  2. Go to Automation -> Workflows.
  3. Create a workflow that triggers when a contact’s phone number is added or updated.
  4. Add a webhook action to your workflow.
  5. Configure the webhook to make a GET request to the Numverify API with the phone number as a parameter.{{}}

Cloud Function Example (Node.js)

const axios = require('axios');

exports.handler = async (event) => {

    const phoneNumber = event.phoneNumber;

    const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';

    const url = `${apiKey}&number=${phoneNumber}`;

    try {

        const response = await axios.get(url);

        const carrier =;

        // Update HubSpot contact with carrier information

        // Use HubSpot API to update the contact record

        // Example:

        return { statusCode: 200, body: carrier };

    } catch (error) {

        return { statusCode: 500, body: error.toString() };



Use HubSpot’s API to update the contact’s record with the carrier information obtained from the Numverify API.

Integrating with Zoho CRM

  • Get your API key.
  • Navigate to Zoho CRM.
  • Go to Settings -> Developer Space -> Functions.
  • Create a function that makes an HTTP request to the Numverify API.

Custom Function Example (Deluge Script)

phoneNumber = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Leads", leadId).get("Phone");

apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";

url = "" + apiKey + "&number=" + phoneNumber;

response = getUrl(url);

carrierInfo = response.get("carrier");

updateMap = map();

updateMap.put("Carrier", carrierInfo);

updateResponse = zoho.crm.updateRecord("Leads", leadId, updateMap);

Use Zoho CRM’s workflow rules to trigger the custom function when a lead or contact’s phone number is added or updated.

Testing and Validation

✔️Test the integration with various phone numbers to ensure the accuracy of the carrier lookup.

✔️Verify that the API responses are as expected (status code 200 for successful requests).

✔️Implement logging to capture API responses and errors for debugging purposes.

Validate Data Accuracy

✔️Cross-check the carrier information returned by Numverify with other reliable sources to ensure accuracy.

✔️Monitor your API usage to ensure you are within your plan’s limits.


✔️Ensure API keys are stored securely, using environment variables or secrets management tools.

✔️Implement robust error handling and retries for API calls.

✔️Design the integration to handle large volumes of requests efficiently.

✔️Document the integration process and any custom code for future reference and maintenance.

Monitor and Maintain

✔️Regularly monitor the integration for any issues or changes in the Numverify API.

✔️Keep the integration up to date with any changes in the CRM system or the Numverify API.

developers are creating a mobile phone number validation tool for data security in customer database

What are the Case Studies of Successful Implementations?

Here are some case studies of successful implementations:

Case Study 1: E-commerce Company

An e-commerce company had problems with wrong customer phone numbers. This causes delivery issues and unhappy customers. They used the Numverify carrier lookup API to check phone numbers at checkout.

This led to better customer communication with accurate SMS updates. Delivery failures dropped by 20%, and customer support calls fell by 15%, saving money and improving efficiency.

Case Study 2: Financial Services Firm

A financial services firm needed to prevent fraud. They used the Numverify carrier lookup API to verify customer phone numbers during account setup and transactions.

Fraud cases decreased by 25%. The company achieved better data security and gained customer trust, making their service safer and more reliable.

Case Study 3: Customer Support Center

A customer support center wanted to improve service speed. They integrated the Numverify carrier lookup API to verify phone numbers, ensuring accurate communication quickly.

The support center resolved issues faster, cutting average call times by 10%. Customer satisfaction improved by 18%, thanks to better follow-ups and support.

Integrating Cell Phone Carrier Lookup: Conclusion

Integrating a cell phone carrier lookup into your CRM system can greatly improve your business. Accurate data leads to better communication, less fraud, and cost savings. By using a service like Numverify, you ensure each phone number matches the correct carrier.

This helps with SMS marketing, customer service, and data accuracy. The integration makes processes smoother, improves customer relationships, and boosts efficiency. Start today by setting up the Numverify API and connecting it to your CRM to enjoy these benefits.

Integrating Cell Phone Carrier Lookup: FAQs

1. What Is the Process for Integrating Cell Phone Carrier Lookup Into My Existing System?

You integrate cell phone carrier lookup by setting up the API and linking it to your CRM system.

2. How Can Integrating Cell Phone Carrier Lookup Improve the Accuracy of My Contact Information Database?

Integrating cell phone carrier lookup ensures accurate and up-to-date customer phone numbers in your database.

3. What Are the Key Benefits of Integrating Cell Phone Carrier Lookup for Businesses?

Integrating cell phone carrier lookup improves data accuracy, enhances communication, prevents fraud, and reduces costs.

4. Are There Any Security Concerns to Be Aware of When Integrating Cell Phone Carrier Lookup?

Ensure secure API usage and data encryption to protect customer information during the integration process.

5. What Technical Requirements Are Needed for Integrating Cell Phone Carrier Lookup Into a Web Application?

You need API access, CRM integration capabilities, and a stable internet connection for carrier lookup integration.

Ready to enhance your CRM with accurate carrier information? Sign up for Numverify today and start optimizing your customer data!